DC Comics Media Wiki

  Ted Dymer was a toy collector who also owned a toy store called Yester Toys, where he bought and sold classic toys. Dymer was obessed with all different types of toys and invested quite a bit of money to acquire them. Even though he had many toys his funds were low and needed more money to build his collection. As luck would have it Simon Trent was selling his old Gray Ghost memorabilia. Remembering an episode of the Gray Ghost Dymer began to copy a Gray Ghost villian called the Mad Bomber. Dymer placed bombs in toy cars and used them to blow up buildings in Gotham unless the city paid him one million dollars. When Batman remembered the episode he asked Simon Trent for help. After Batman and Gray Ghost stop a bombing the Dark Knight took Gray Ghost and one of the toy cars to the Batcave. In the cave Batman found Simon Trents finger prints on the car and suspected him of the bombings. Trent then remembered he had sold the cars to Dymer and figured out that he was the Mad Bomber. The two tracked Dymer ro his toy shop and fought him. Dymer was stopped and his controls for the bombing cars and his toy shop were destroyed. Dymer cried over the loss of his toys and was arrested.  


Bruce Timm the voice of the Mad Bomber
